Internal Balance
for External Flow

in your relationships

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Articulate your emotional needs and dare to have the tough conversations



Does this sound familiar?

✔ You struggle to articulate your emotions clearly (what's in your head doesn't seem to translate) or you're not 100% sure WHAT you're feeling. Sometimes you question if what you are feeling is even worth sharing.

✔  You avoid difficult conversations or confrontations because hate feeling uncomfortable and you are worried of the other persons reaction or the consequences of speaking truthfully.

✔  You feel easily thrown off by your relationships, especially when there are issues to navigate, affecting your mood and seeping into every area of your life. 

Relationships are a cornerstone of your life.
From work colleagues, to business partners or clients, to romantic relationships and even friendships, your life is built on connection.

However, there is no lesson in school that teaches you proper communication and most of us don’t grow up with really good examples of what regulated and balanced communication in relationships look like. 
That’s where I come in!

Here's the thing; If you’re not expressing your needs truthfully, a big part of you isn’t able to show up authentically—and that starts to take a toll. It not just about "forcing" the communication, but addressing the deeper beliefs and conditioning that hold you back from expressing your emotions so that you can have those tough but necessary conversations with far more ease. 

I offer a new way to heal and connect, not through standard communication tools but through deep emotional healing, pattern-breaking, self-worth embodiment and spiritual growth. This is about going against the status quo and creating a NEW way of being in relation to another in the most expansive way possible for you and everyone involved.

How We Flow

into more fulfilled, connected and balanced relationship dynamics

Liberate yourself from your Core Relationships Wounds 

We dive deep into rewiring your subconscious mind and releasing the emotional weight you have been carrying about your role in relationships. We identify your "core" wound that is playing out its pattern across your professional and personal relationships, and liberate you from it.

Embody Your Unique Connection Style

You are unique. What you desire to receive in your relationships and how you communicate this is also unique to you. We establish YOUR unique communication style through womb wisdom, cyclical living and communication tools (trust me, these are not your standard "counselling" tools). You will learn how to tap into your most authentic communication without changing yourself or having to be "hard" to have tough converstaions.

Dare to speak up and ask for what you want

You are now ready to step into having the “tough” conversations. However, this is where support around nervous system regulation, self-worth work, and energetic attraction laws is key, so that you stand strong in your power, actually speak up for yourself and understand the intricacies of receiving more of what you want from your relationships.


Integrating emotional intelligence with scientific understanding, offering a holistic and spiritual approach to healing and building balanced personal and professional relationships

1:1 Flow Mentorship & Coaching

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Online Courses & Group Programs 


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Welcome to your Flow Era,



I'm a certified NLP Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, hypnotherapist, and cycle coach. I specialize in helping you navigate relationship dynamics by articulating your emotional needs and having tough conversations for balanced and deeply connected personal and professional relationships. My approach combines emotional healing, cyclical connection, self-worth embodiment, and spiritual growth, offering a new way to connect through authentic communication.

With my expertise in NLP, nervous system regulation, and relationship dynamics, I guide you to break free from limiting patterns and confidently express your truth.Trust that you have the power to heal and grow beyond your current limitations. Ready to dive deeper? 

About Olivia & Oh Flow