Align & Allow Ep 17: Is your “busy season” sabotaging your success?

subconscious redesign Oct 27, 2021
Olivia Heine
Align & Allow Ep 17: Is your “busy season” sabotaging your success?


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Tune into learn:

  • Whether you’re in a temporary busy season or if you are creating a new dangerous cycle of busyness or overworking with no end in sight
  • How to identify when to work and when to rest through busy-ness and create a sustainable cycle for momentum and productivity
  • Your aligned action for shifting the cycle and stepping into working in productivity and ease (and without falling into busyness burnout)


Your aligned action for this Align & Allow Ep.:

Define what season you are in and follow the steps we talked about this call to take your next aligned action.


Have you ever asked yourself this question? 


“Am I simply in a season of busyness that I just need to get through or do I need to set some hard boundaries because this is becoming my new normal?”


I’ve asked myself this question many times and I’ve heard it from clients on countless occasions, and it sounds something like this: 


>> “Honest question about this though: my work volume has increased significantly in the past few months, with the past month especially. I don’t feel like my burn out is how I’m going about it, it’s genuinely more so an external thing. Like I can’t control if there are extended periods of time that have more volume and require my attention/time, ya know?”


>>” I feel like I have too much on the go - 2 businesses and a social life and partner, growing a second business and doing a certification. And then of course among that I am trying to take care of myself”


>>”How do I draw the line between "this is a season of busyness" and so it's okay to be working hours I don't necessarily love, and "I need to have hard spots around my work".


Have you ever asked yourself this question? 


“Am I simply in a season of busyness that I just need to get through or do I need to set some hard boundaries because this is becoming my new normal?”


I’ve asked myself this question many times and I’ve heard it from clients on countless occasions, and it sounds something like this: 


>> “Honest question about this though: my work volume has increased significantly in the past few months, with the past month especially. I don’t feel like my burn out is how I’m going about it, it’s genuinely more so an external thing. Like I can’t control if there are extended periods of time that have more volume and require my attention/time, ya know?”


>>” I feel like I have too much on the go - 2 businesses and a social life and partner, growing a second business and doing a certification. And then of course among that I am trying to take care of myself”


>>”How do I draw the line between "this is a season of busyness" and so it's okay to be working hours I don't necessarily love, and "I need to have hard spots around my work".


Does this sound like you? 


There is this constant pressure you’ve been taught to have things on the go in order to feel like you are making progress and doing something valuable with your life and with your time…


But when does that cross a line? When does that become too much? Do you know what that feels like? 


And if you are able to identify it, do you have the right tools to be able to address it and shift the way you are working so that you can draw that line? 


These are such great questions to consider and I love hearing these from you because it means you are already aware of the fact that pushing and racing forward all the time is simply not sustainable.


But now you want to know HOW. How do you identify whether it’s a temporary season or a vicious cycle, and how do you make the adjustments and take care of yourself so that you don’t burn out? 


There is this constant pressure you’ve been taught to have things on the go in order to feel like you are making progress and doing something valuable with your life and with your time…


But when does that cross a line? When does that become too much? Do you know what that feels like? 


And if you are able to identify it, do you have the right tools to be able to address it and shift the way you are working so that you can draw that line? 


These are such great questions to consider and I love hearing these from you because it means you are already aware of the fact that pushing and racing forward all the time is simply not sustainable.


But now you want to know HOW. How do you identify whether it’s a temporary season or a vicious cycle, and how do you make the adjustments and take care of yourself so that you don’t burn out? 


Listen to the Align & Allow Episode for the next steps to shifting out of this and if you are ready to truly ditch the overwhelm, overworking, and procrastination, click below to book in a coaching consultation call to identify what next step is right for you!

Get ready to Unlock the Three Cyclical Codes to Expand Your Productivity


With the Free Sacred Guide


Crack the Codes of your Cyclical Success Strategy

✔ The science behind cycle syncing and why your procrastination, lack of momentum or focus have nothing to do with your “lack” of productivity

✔ Unlock the THREE CODES to Cyclical Harmony so that you can create your cyclical success strategy and start living in your dream life & freedom frequency

✔ Walk away with your clear process for maximising your productivity, increasing your efficiency  and in turn reclaiming your time and energy

Get the Sacred Guide Here