Top 3 Books to Read on your Time-Off

subconscious redesign Dec 17, 2021


I'm going to start off by being brutally honest: I was NEVER a big reader.


Having moved to Germany before I had learnt to read English, then going to a German school where I didn't speak or understand german… it left me with my hands full. I remember my mom sending me to an english teacher so I would learn how to read and write in english… and 


However, I have fallen in love with reading over the past couple years… I guess it just came down to finding the “right” books.


One of my favourite things to do during time off and specifically during the holidays (something I’m probably doing right now on my holiday as you’re reading this), is getting all cozy on the sofa with a warm tea, hot chocolate, or a yummy cinnamon coffee, having soft music playing in the background, and losing myself in another world. 


I'm going to share with you my TOP 3 Must Read Books for a more Aligned, Productive & Intentional Life!


These are books that started me on my personally development journey, completely transformed my mindset and expanded what I believed was possible, and I have given/gifted/recommend to clients over the years.


Yes, this list could have been MUCH longer, but we're all about simplifying things here, so if you want a second list, let me know in the comments and we can create a second post in this series.


Plus, these are really the three books I recommend starting with, that allow you to dive into a few different areas of life.


1. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero


This was my first introduction to self development and personal growth.

It’s my go to ‘gift book’ and I truly see it as a mini bible on how to start using the law of attraction and energy management to create your life of time-freedom and ease.


Check it out on Amazon or find it at your local bookstore.


2. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown


THE book to help understand that the root of all your overworking, perfectionism and people pleasing comes from a desire for connection… because we are living disconnected lives.


This is crucial information to creating greater success in your business or at work, have better healthier relationships, and understand where so much of our collective trauma stems from that keeps us in hustle and overworking.


I love giving this book in the welcome package to my private clients.


Check it out on Amazon or find it at your local bookstore.


3. Wild Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer


Your introduction to using your inner cycles and feminine power to plan when to work and when to rest to begin bringing your body back into the equation and starts becoming a time bender.

Cycle syncing is a BIG strategy I teach my clients for harnessing productivity so this is a great starting point.


Check it out on Amazon or find it at your local book store. 


I LOVE books now, because they are a great starting point for learning about yourself and understanding ways you can live more in alignment. Then, when you have a foundation, it's definitely time take it a step deeper if it feels aligned, by purchasing in some coaching or investing in a coach or mentor. Of course, you can jump right into courses or coaches right away, but sometimes it's nice to get a little introduction these subjects.


I have a whole list of books that initially taught me how to start doing less and incorporating my body into HOW I was showing up so that I could work, live and achieve in a sustainable & enjoyable way. Let me know in the comments if you want the next list! 



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